
Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 3 or And Then There Were Cupcakes...(and they were good!)

Today I am thankful for copious amounts of leftovers and coworkers so annoying I forget that my stomach, in a fit of desperation for REAL FOOD, has now eaten my liver.   Due to the cooking done this weekend all I had to do was grab some tupperware and go.  No effort required.  After work I was able to come home, do a little Zumba and spend quality(?) time with an angry, screaming, teething 14 month old.   Better that than an angry, teething 14 month old screaming while I'm trying to figure out just what in the world I can actually eat for dinner.


Leftover whole wheat pancakes w/ blueberries
Fresh pineapple
Coffee with soy creamer

Dried fruit and nut mix

Leftover Bean PATTY (yes, burger wannabe, I'm still holding it against you)
Leftover Sweet potato fries
Smoothie w/ cherries and bananas

Tortilla chips
Pico de gallo

Leftover whole wheat veggie pizza


I think the Shrek cupcake wrapper gives it street cred.

This is a whole wheat chocolate chip cupcake adapted from this recipe with the following exceptions: I used almond milk instead of soy or rice, used whole wheat flour instead of (hiss!) white flour, added about 1 cup of dairy free dark chocolate chips to the batter, and no frosting.  Here's why.  I'm not really down with the whole soy "you won't miss the butter!" frosting.   Plus I don't see how the texture would be even remotely similar.  Why not make the cupcake more chocolaty so you don't even need the "frosting"?  Success!  They were great.  The husband even took more than his obligatory first cupcake.  You see I have this whole theory on cooking shows and the mandatory taste test.  If they go back for a second bite then you know it was truly a good dish.  If not, despite what they might have actually said, they're probably spitting it back out as soon as the camera cuts away.  Taking seconds is always the truest indicator of a successful recipe.  It's practically as scientific as the law of gravity.

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