
Friday, February 11, 2011

Grocery shopping - the frugal vegan way!

I must admit, grocery shopping proved not to be as overwhelming as I had imagined.  For the most part I am already familiar with most of the ingredients.  As a household we already eat tofu, quinoa, beans and similar items.   And, perhaps most surprisingly, my final grocery bill total was a little less than it usually is for roughly the same amount of groceries.  I think that can be attributed to buying lots of dried beans, rice, produce and very little processed foods  The label "vegan" does not necessarily equate to healthy.  Just because some meat substitutes may be technically vegan doesn't automatically make them a superior health food.  If I'm eating soy or beans, just be upfront instead of throwing in some caramel coloring and preservatives and trying to tell me it's just like meat.  Why do we as American consumers let the food companies do this to us?  Turn over your food packages and take a good look.  For example, those delicious little chocolate sandwiches with the creme filling? Dairy free.  Check it out for yourself.  But then while you're there take a walk down the chip aisle and check out the chips that contain dairy.  What kind of world am I raising my son in that a cookie with creme filling has no dairy but a bag of chips do?

Anyway, our fridge is stocked full of fruits and veggies.  Our pantry is overflowing with rice, bulgar, barley, dried beans and lentils, some canned vegetables and everything else imaginable.   I have whole wheat flour ready and waiting and a bucket of wheat at the ready for grinding.  I imagine beautiful whole wheat pizza topped with tomato sauce, peppers, onions and mushrooms.  Or delicious black bean burgers accompanied by a side of baked sweet potato fries.  And, if I'm really lucky, freshly made guacamole resting next to a modest serving of (dairy free?) tortilla chips.  A girl can dream.

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